Join us for our annual lectures and panels
With the Toronto Public Library, the Friends of the Osborne Collection co-sponsor three lectures per calendar year; the Lahmer, the Pantazzi and the Stubbs. The lectures are funded by endowments at the Toronto Public Library Foundation. Our thanks to friends and supporters whose bequests and memorial gifts have enabled these endowments.

The Helen E. Stubbs Memorial Lecture is given annually by persons of "outstanding ability and originality" in the field of children's literature.

The Sybille Pantazzi Memorial Lecture celebrates the beauty of children's books.

The Albert Lahmer Memorial Lecture is held each Spring highlighting any subject related to children's literature.
The Friends have also organized panel discussions, both in person(illustrators working in non-traditional media, 2019) and online via Zoom (booksellers emerging from COVID, 2022).
*Click on panel image to view discussion
Enjoy some of our recent lectures by clicking on the name below:

For a complete list of our lectures, please click here.